Shiatsu combines the theory of acupuncture (but no needles!) with the nurturing power of touch and so can be very helpful during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a natural process, but the huge changes taking place to a woman’s body can cause unpleasant physical, mental and emotional symptoms. By keeping the body’s energy balanced, Shiatsu can help it cope better with these changes. Ideally Shiatsu would be received regularly from pre-conception right through to post-birth, but even one or two treatments can be very effective at any stage of pregnancy or labour.
Treatments are fully-clothed and on a futon on the floor or on a couch or chair if that is more comfortable. Most pregnant women are comfy lying on their side, but treatments can always be adapted, and I've treated pregnant women whilst they've been standing or walking around the room.
Pre-conception: Shiatsu can be used by both partners to help relax the body - stress is often an inhibitor to successful conception. It may also be used to strengthen the 'Kidney energy' which, from an Oriental Medical perspective, needs to be strong for a successful conception and pregnancy. It may also help balance the woman's hormonal system, which again is likely to help conception.
First trimester: there is a small risk of miscarriage with any type of treatment, so I tend not to do full treatments at this stage. I use specific safe acupoints to alleviate symptoms such as nausea and can also show self-help techniques and ways to prepare the body for the later stages of pregnancy.
2nd & 3rd trimesters: Full Shiatsu treatments are great and safe throughout and can help alleviate symptoms including tiredness and low energy, emotional ups & downs, backpain, PSD (pubic symphysis diastasis – groin/pelvic pain), carpal tunnel, headaches, oedema, nausea and heartburn, and non-pregnancy related problems for which you don’t wish to use drugs.
Turning a baby: From week 32 acupoints can be used to turn an incorrectly positioned baby, and taught to parents for home use.
Induction & labour: From week 36 very effective techniques for inducing labour, giving pain relief during labour, dilating the cervix, calming mother and baby, expelling the placenta and helping promote lactation can be easily taught to a birth partner for use at the appropriate time. These often shorten a labour, and also help the partner feel involved in the process.
2-hour 'pre-labour' appointments available for mother & birth partner to learn techniques for induction, pain-relief and more - only £50.00. (Other appointment lengths available). See appointment page for details.
Post-labour: Shiatsu can continue to support both parents through a tiring time, and help the mother’s body cope with the huge energetic shift from pregnancy to breast-feeding or back to ‘normality’.
Client Comments:
"The pre-labour appointment I had with my partner was very helpful. It enabled me to stay really mobile during labour and the techniques definitely reduced the pain. My partner felt very involved and could respond practically to my needs, which was great." (New mum - 2nd pregnancy - who had a 2-hour pre-labour tuition session for her and her partner).
"Shiatsu really helped my pelvic pain. During my 2 previous pregnancies it was agonising, but during this one I had only an occasional niggle during the latter stages. It also helped me cope much better with the changes and kept my energy levels up." (Client treated from week 12 and throughout her pregnancy).